Wednesday July 28th

Test 3!

20 Band Pull Aparts
2:00 Banded Glute Activation
15 Scap Pull Ups
1:30 Squat Hold
10 Gymnastic Kips
1:00 Row for Calories*

Conditioning Test

“Field of Screams”
AMRAP 19 Minutes
19/17 Calorie Row
17 Thrusters 100/70lbs
15 Toes to Bar

Scaled Version
AMRAP 19 Minutes
19/17 Calorie Row
17 Thrusters 70/50lbs
15 Knee Raises

This will suck. Athletes performing the Rx version should be able to do 17 unbroken thrusters at the prescribed weight when fresh (and ideally in round 1), as well as being able to string together at least 10-12 unbroken toes to bar. Athletes will break down in this workout pretty quickly