Tuesday July 27th

Test week. Test 2 today
fun one

Warm up
2 Rounds
300m Run
8 Light DB Manmakers

Ring Dip Skill
3 sets: :02-:05 Ring Support Hold
2 sets: 2-3 Support Holds + Negatives
2 sets: 2-4 Ring Dips

HSPU Skill
– 2 sets of 20 second HS Hold
– 3-5 Negatives w/ Tripod Focus
– 3-5 Sets of 3-6 Kipping HSPU
** not going upside down? no problem. do this with dumbbells to build that shoulder strength or build or work to the progression you can do then switch DBs
so not going up side down looks like this
2 sets of 20 second db hold overhead
3-5 sets of db presses with 3-5 second negative on the descent
3 to 5 sets of push press

“The Grind Side”

AMRAP 16 Minutes, climbing the ladder (adding 2 reps to hspu and ring dips every round, box jumps stay the same)
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
2 Ring Dips
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Scaled Version
AMRAP 16 Minutes, climbing the ladder
2 DB Push Press
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
2 Push Ups 8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

*remember every round add 2 reps to the hand stand push ups and ring dips. DO NOT add reps to the box jumps, those stay the same

Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: Everyone should complete the round of 10 HSPU and 10 Ring Dips
Firebreather Score: Complete the round of 16/16