Wednesday July 24th

Emom Warm
12 Minutes
Minute 1- 10/8 cal row
Minute 2- 15/12 push ups
Minute 3- 10 Empty Bar Push Jerk
Minute 4- 10/8 toes to bar

10 Minute Push Jerk EMOM
Start at 10 on the first minute at a lighter weight, then go to 9 the next minute, 8 the next, and on and on
**Add weight every two rounds.
You will be working under normal working weights, this is 55 reps in 10 minutes

4 Rounds
1Min Front Rack (with KB) Wall sit 70/50
15 Goblet Squats
50ft Weighted Lunge (As Heavy As possible, grab the biggest dumbells or KBs you can find.
1 sled push down and back