Warm Up
2 Rounds
200m Ski/Row
10 Plate Ground to Overhead

:15 Strength This should be light
Every :30 for 10:00 (20 reps)
1 Squat Snatch
Sets 1-5: all performed with a Tempo Pull
Sets 6-16: build to a heavy but perfect snatch
(no tempo pull)
Sets 17-20: reduce weight and finish with 4 perfect reps
:40 WOD
For Time
30 Snatches 135/95lbs
Target Score: 4-8 Minutes
Snatch: If snatching presents an issue due to injury, scale to “Grace”, or
30 squat cleans (if overhead is not available to your athlete).
:55 Cool Down
Thread the Needle
Childs Pose