Wednesday 8/24
Warm Up
AMRAP 7 Minutes
100m Run
10 Kip Swings
:10 Ring Support Hold
10 Hollow Rocks
Ring Dip Review
-toe tap
-kipping or strict
-Dip of box or bench if support isnt there on the dips
:15 Strength
E3MOM 9 Minutes (3 sets)
1:00 Max Ring Dips
Rest in time remaining
*Can be multiple sets
:30 WOD
5 Rounds
10 Toes to bar
12/9 Bike calories
10 Toes to bar
Rest 2:00 between rounds
Scale movement down on toes to bar if your sets start to be broken. This is 100 t2b, be smart
Target Score: Sub 20 min
Unbroken TTB (Sub for hanging knee raises, V Ups or leg raises on the floor)
Bike :55 or less
:55 Cool Down
Thread the needle
Banded stretch both sides (light resistance)