Warm up-
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
100m Run
8 A-frame Toe Touches
6 Push Ups
4 Pull Up Negatives (5-count)
Bench Press. This shouldnt take long to warm up to. We want to leave 20 minutes for the wod
6 Sets of heavy 4
“Steady Krueger”
10 Rounds
10 Burpees
10 KB Swings 53/35lbs
*Everyone should be sub 20 minutes on this. Are you an experienced CrossFitter I challenge you to try and do this as an EMOM with proper technique. (full extension on burpees and full extension and KB all the way overhead on KB swings)
Extra work.
Grab a rower and head outside. if you are pressed for time but want to get some of this extra work in just do what you can. some is better than none. Class is more than enough work, but if you want a little bit extra go ahead. Never save gas for the extra work. Go all out in the wods
5 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
Rest 3 Minutes