Warm Up
3 Rounds
1:30 Row (first :15 Sprint)
15 KB Swings
10 Banded Good Mornings or with PVC
:10 Skill Work
:30 hold at each position
Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
Hollow hold with legs extended straight up
Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully
Arch hold with arms straight by ears, glutes tight and feet together
:60 Of Gator Rolls – From Hollow to Arch

TTB Skill Work
:30 Dead Hang (Lat Activated)
2 Beat (Kip) Swings
Beat (Kip Swing) to target (Straight Legs) o target (Straight Legs)
.>Increase height of target until toes reach the bar OR form starts to break>Actively pushing down on the bar throughout the hollow of the skill
.>Increase height of target until toes reach the bar OR form starts to break
:35 WOD
Gymnastics Test
You can row or ski but when we restest use the same machine
AMRAP 14 Minutes, Climbing the Ladder:
3 Toes to Bar* (Straight Legs)
10 Double DB/KB Deadlifts 50s/35s
8/6 Calorie Row
*Each round, add 3 Toes to Bar.
AMRAP 14 Minutes, Climbing the Ladder:
3 Knee Raises*
10 Double DB/KB Deadlifts 35s/25s
8/6 Calorie Row
*Each round, add 3 Knee Raises
Target Score: Complete the round of 15 T2B and get into the following round
– Toes to Bar: 1:1 Kipping Knee Raises, Static Knee Raises, or V-Ups
– DB/KB DL: Should always allow for 10 UB Reps
:55 Cool Down
Thread the Needle