We are going to jump right into the warm up at :02 after. Don’t be late for class. Mike will be very upset if you don’t show up today. It’s his birthday. If you are late, jump in where we are at.
Warm Up
12 minute EMOM
Mintues 1-20 OH Walking Lunge with wall ball that you are using for wod Minutes 2-7 Burpee Broad Jumps
Minute 3-10 alternating Single Leg RDL with DB you are using for the wod
Mnute 4-15 Jumping Jacks
Wod “Yeet! Yeet!”
Its Mike I’s 37th Birthday so we need to start this wod with a big old Polk County Yeeee Yeeeee
Buy in run 800m
then 2 rounds
37 cal bike
37 push ups
37 wall balls 30/20
37 double unders
37 alt db snathces
37 cal row