If you haven’t yet please download the Zen Planner ap so you can register for classes when we re-open. Message me to get your password if you do not have it. ***Classes have not started yet! We are just getting people used to using the ap!

Warm up today
3 Rounds
run 200
6 No push ups burpee
7 Squats
8 pass throughs
Work your push press with a single dumbbell, double dumbbell or or barbell. Dip drive. Get 5 good working sets in. Depending on the equipment you have that might be 5 to 12 each arm with a dumbbell , just before failure.
With a barbell or dumbbell same reps counts and same sets recommended
5 Rounds for time
Run 400m
8 Thrusters with a barbell or with 1 dumbbell 10 single arms thrusters, 5 each side
20 Doubles or 20 jumping jacks
20 sit ups