Thursday June 23rd

Twisted Cross 1:00/Side Then
AMRAP 5:00
Row 500m
4 Wall Walks
Max Rep Burpees in time remaining

Find a 1RM Push Press
Push Press Tips video

Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″
Thruster 95/65lbs

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As Needed
Coach Focus: A less frequently tested lift, the Push Press is a great expression of power and pressing strength. The last 5 weeks of work was all about dialing in your athlete’s efficiency in core-to-extremity pressing. Crank up the tunes and get big weight overhead!

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach for some, Sustain for many Target Score: 7-15 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-7 Minutes
BBJO: Scale box height to keep athletes jumping if possible, reduce
height of box as low as a bar facing burpee before reducing reps.
Thruster: athletes should have the capacity to confidently perform 20
unbroken reps when fresh with their chosen weight. Ideally the set of 27 does not exceed 4 sets, with the rounds of 9 and 18 being 1-2 sets.
Coach Focus: 54 reps of BBJO and Thrusters should check the gassy box for all athletes. Time domain is sub-15 minutes. Coaches should help their athletes understand how to use their hips on the thruster to save their upper bodies. Coach should also help their athletes dial in their BBJO footwork to save conserve energy.