Alternating EMOM for 9 Minutes
1 – :45 Double Unders/Double Under Practice
2 – 5 Scap Push Ups, 5 Scap Pull Ups, 5 Kips
3 – :30 Pause OHS* *Start with the empty bar and add a small amount of weight each round
Strength 15 Minutes to warm up to and build up and past the weight you will be using for the wod. Use time between sets to stretch wrists out if your wrists bother you during overhead squats.
*strength can be from the rack, but for the wod the bar starts on the floor
**if you overhead squat are something you can not do because of injury or they will significantly take away from your workout you can do front squats. We know you are here to get a workout in. There is a difference between -not liking- overhead squats and them having a negative impact. If you can get through your full range of motion but have to lighten the load, thats not a negative thing. If you can’t get through the range of motion you are better off doing front squats AND practicing mobility or very light OHS squats after the wod
Interval Test
AMRAP 25 Minutes
3 Wall Walks
5 Overhead Squats 155/105lbs
15 Toes to Bar
5 Overhead Squats 155/105lbs
3 Wall Walks
Rest 2:00
*Time your own rest, pick up where you left off. Two minutes of rest allows for decent but not full recovery. Your midline will be very taxed. If you end up dropping weight off the bar during the wod put that your in notes for the retest
remember that when it comes to a “test”, we want to allow athletes to challenge themselves. If the weight or movement takes a little longer than the scaling version of the weight/movement go for the one that takes a little longer today.
- Wall Walks: Open standard scaled wall walks, or 15 push ups per set of 3 wall walks (if inversion isn’t possible)
- OHS: Weight Modification: 115/75lbs
- Toes to bar: Hanging Knee Raises