Last few days before we start our strength cycle.
2 Sets, For Quality:
1:00 Cardio Choice
10 Scapular Push-Ups
5 Walking Inchworm to Hollow
10 Barbell Goodmornings
6 Crossover Step-ups
Below would be the absolute toughest version of this workout but do not get wrapped up in weights or reps. That’s a losing mans game. 99 percent of us will need to scale to hit the proper stimulus. If you’re going to blow up the first 3 rounds of the workout because you trying to hit those numbers…. and the rest of your workout sucks. That is not a win.
We will do a couple “prove it” rounds and we will adjust reps and weight so everyone can keep continuous steady pace for hopefully most of the tough 40 min emom
40:00 minute EMOM
min 1: 14/10 Calorie Echo Bike
min 2: 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55lb,
min 3: 15/10 Push-Ups
min 4: 12 Single DB Step-Overs 50/35lb
Goal Complete each movement in under 40 seconds
Primary Objective: Complete all movements within the minute, ideally with 10-15
seconds to spare in order to transition to the next movement.
Secondary Objective: Complete all movements unbroken
Stimulus: Volume Build / Muscular Stamina and Endurance
Pro Tips
The focus here is to hit each minute with the goal of completing it within 40 seconds. The main challenge for this will be the Echo Bike. So this is where we need to push a bit.
Pushing the bike will give us a little leg pump before moving into the Sumo Deadlift High
Pulls. These should be done in 30-.40 seconds allowing for some rest and recovery
going into minute 3 where we only have 15/10 push-ups which is meant to be a bit of
reprieve for the heart rate and allow athletes to catch their breath before moving into the
final minute of DB Step-Overs. Focus on smooth efficient pacing here and stay close to
the box to complete the reps in 30-40 seconds.