Thursday January 31st

How is the nutrition challenge going? It only takes a few weeks to make something a habit. Stick with it. If you missed out on this one we will be offering one on one nutrition programs starting in February.

Warm up today is all barbell work. Coach will go through the Misfit clean complex one step at a time as an EMOM then you will have 15 Minutes to find your 1 rep max of the complex

MisFit Clean and Jerk Complex

Power Clean – Push Jerk – Front Squat – Hang Squat Clean – Split Jerk

Workout 15.3 Variations

(Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’d Women, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54, Teen Boys 16-17, Teen Girls 16-17)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 muscle-ups
50 wall-ball shots
100 double-unders

 Men use 20-lb. ball to 10 feet, Women use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet

(Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 wall-ball shots
200 single-unders

Men use 20-lb. ball to 9 feet, Women use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet

(Masters Men 55-59, Masters Men 60+, Masters Women 55-59, Masters Women 60+)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
100 double-unders
50 wall-ball shots
7 muscle-ups

Men use 20-lb. ball to 9 feet, Women use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet

Scaled Masters
(Scaled Masters Men 55-59, Scaled Masters Men 60+, Scaled Masters Women 55-59, Scaled Masters Women 60+)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 wall-ball shots
200 single-unders

Men use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet, Women use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet

(Teen Boys 14-15, Teen Girls 14-15)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
100 double-unders
50 wall-ball shots
7 muscle-ups

Boys use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet, Girls use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet

Scaled Teens
(Scaled Teen Boys 14-15, Scaled Teen Boys 16-17, Scaled Teen Girls 14-15, Scaled Teen Girls 16-17)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 wall-ball shots
200 single-unders

Boys use 14-lb. ball to 9 feet, Girls use 10-lb. ball to 9 feet