Thursday December 10th

Little Thursday pump session

Warm up
Amrap 5 Minutes
10 Cals
20 Air Squats
10 lunges

Alternating Every 3 Minutes for 30 Minutes (5 rounds each) alternate between:
a)10 Heavy Back Squats 70 to 80 percent even if you have to rerack briefly.
*newer athletes adjust reps to 7 or 8 and/or a lower percent.
b) AMRAP 3 Minutes 15 Push Ups 15 Bicep Curls
*In one 3 minute window athletes perform 10 heavy back squats out of a rack and then rest the remainder of the 3 minute window. In the next 3 minute window, they perform the AMRAP. Alternate back and forth for 30 minutes, or 5 rounds of each. Athletes may add a deficit to the push ups if desired/able.
*** This is 50 back squats. Think about your weight on this one. Newer athletes adjust reps for less volume. 8 or 7 per round.

3 rounds
Max reps til failure overhead tricep extension
Max reps double DB bench press

*should be pretty heavy, shooting for just over 10 reps