Thursday August 17th

Today will be starting our “open gym trial” Open Gym is 1pm-3pm Tuesday and Thursday. This is just a test run.
Simple guidelines that apply to everyone are below.
Participation in at least 3 regular classes a week is mandatory. Don’t isolate yourself from group classes.

Open gym IS
-a time to work on your weaknesses, get a quick wod in, or make up a wod if you missed regular class.
-the time to meet up and throw down with your friends. Pick a wod and hit it hard. Community is everything. Work together and push hard
-self timed, nobody will be starting a clock for you. Be aware and RESPECTFUL of what other open gym members are doing. Time yourself on your phones
-There will suggested open gym workouts on the board that are not complicated. If you are feeling lost during open gym, just read the suggested open gym wod and complete it.

Open gym IS NOT
-Two hours of talking about wods. You’re here. Do work
-Personal training. There will be a coach or coaches in the room but they are here to workout as well. The coaches put a lot of hours in at the gym. This is their workout time.
-a structured class. If you are not comfortable working on your own this may not be for you.
-a Q and A session with a coach. You must be comfortable working on your own as there will be no structured coaching in this class.
-a substitute for regular classes.


Warm Up, 500m row
40 Pass Throughs
40 PVC Overhead squats

Power Position Snatch (catch in a squat if you can)
EMOM 10 minutes
3 per minute

7 Rounds
3 Muscle ups (bar do 4 muscle  ups) ****Sub 7 Chest to bar pull ups, 7 pull ups, or 10 Ring rows*****
6 Hang Power Snatches 135/95 (scale to weight where you can do these unbroken the first 3-4 rounds)
10 pistols (5 each leg) sub is 20 air squats