Wods start at 10:15, be warmed up and ready to 3….2…..1…… go.
all wods- Teams of 2
Wod 1
8 Minutes
800M run with one plate (switch as needed 45/25
Max Hang cleans 135/95 with remaining time
Wod 2- 10 Minutes (entire wod outside)
6 Kettle bell swings 70/55
6 kettle bell squats
sprint 100m
Partner 1 complete a round— partner 2 be ready…. you can start your kettle bell swings as soon as you see your parntner come around the corner.
Wod 3- (line your bars up sideways so we can all fit close to wall)
12 Minutes
8 wall balls
4 deadlift 135/95
3 power cleans 135/95
2 burpees
*carefully run to the platforms where your partner will be standing, tag them in, they run to the far end of the gym and complete a round… run back, tag you in, and on and on and on and on and on and on.