Partner wod.
76 Air Squats
76 Dumbbell Push Presses (50/30 lb)
76 AbMat Sit-Ups
76 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
76 Burpees
76 Medball Twists (20/14 lb)
76 Push-Ups
76 Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)
76 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/30 lb)
400 meter Run with Partner
***Rest then complete this OPTIONAL finisher
5 minutes max bike cals

411 CrossFit (Devine, TX) designed “Yvonne” as a memorial partner WOD to honor Yvonne Zavala (41), a member who was struck by a truck and killed while assisting a fallen motorcyclist on the highway. The workout’s rep scheme is a nod to the year Yvonne was born (February 9, 1976).
The original post said: “With heavy hearts, 411 CrossFit would like to invite members as well as non-members to participate in “Yvonne,” a Memorial Partner WOD in honor of Yvonne Zavela. Yvonne was a member of the 411 CrossFit community who we all enjoyed being around. We can all agree that her smile and positive attitude never went unnoticed with all the coaches and members whom she encountered. Although it is with grief and sorrow that we have lost such a beautiful, selfless person, this will be our way of celebrating her life and memory.” The workout was first performed at a memorial event on August 2, 2017.
Among those who were killed by the truck while assisting the motorcyclist were Yvonne, Ernesto Perez (36) and Eloyed Castro (47).