Sunday April 22nd

Wod 1 Partner wod 10 minute amrap
2 Wall Balls
2 Synchronized Burpees
2 Wall Balls
2 Synchronized Burpees
4 wall Balls
4 Synchronized burpees
4 wall balls
4 Synchronized Burpees
and on and on and on

Partner 1 does 2 wall balls, then both partners do 2 synchronized burpees together. Partner 2 does 2 wall balls, then both partners do 2 burpees in tandem. Partner 1 does 4 wall balls, then both partners do 4 burpees, then Partner 2 does 4 wall balls, then both partners do 4 synchronized burpees, etc. Continue adding 2 reps per round until time is up.

Synchronized burpees require both partners to do the burpees in tandem, with each partner on the ground at the same time before popping up.

Wod 2- Partner wod outside
8 Minutes Amrap
5 Kb Swings
5 Goblet squats
Run to the cones and back, then your partner does a round

Wod 3
10 Minutes, Split how you want
12 Deadlift 155/105
9 hang clean
6 shoulder to overhead