8 am endurance, 9am crossfit and 9am adult weightlifting
10:30 Friday Night Throwdown Practice
Teams of 3
Doesnt matter what machine you start on.
-10 Minutes on Machine 1-switch on the machine as often as you want
*the two people that are not on the machine are accumulating reps of sandbag cleans
-10 minutes on machine 2- same thing is happening with sand bags
-10 minutes machine 3- same thing with the sandbag
*if you are keeping score, your score is total cals plus total sandbag cleans
9am CrossFit
10am Workout:
Partner Wod Split work how you want
40 Clean & Jerks, 185/135
1600M Row or ski
30 Clean & Jerks, 185/135
1600 m row or ski
20 Clean & Jerks, 185/135
1600 m row or ski
10 Clean & Jerks, 185/135