Saturday October 12th

REMEMBER if you are doing/redoing the Open workout you have from 8-10am to do so. Start the workout so YOU WILL NOT run over into the 10am class. Space will be first come first serve (mobility class will have some space reserved) and you will need to set up your own judge.

8am Endurance:

9am Mobility

10am Class Workout:
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
200m Run
8 Hollow Rock to Super Mans
6 Down Dog to Seal Stretch
5 Hanging Scap Pulls
5 Kip Swings

Hang Dumbbell Cluster 50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15
Chest-to-bar Pull-up INT/BEG-Pull Up Progression

Partner Version:
Hang Dumbbell Cluster 50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15
Chest-to-bar Pull-up INT/BEG-Pull Up Progression
Try to split as even as you can with only 1 person working at a time.

**Even though this video is the movement from the ground it will be the same in the workout it is just starting from the “Hang” position (started deadlifted to your hips)**