May the 4th be with you

8am Endurance
Option 1- 5 by 800m repeats with 3 minutes rest in between. With the long rest that means go all out on every 800
Option 2- Train Harder Triathlon
1500M row
1 Mile Run
1 Bike Tabata
1000m Row
800m Run
1 Bike Tabata
500M row
400m Run
1 Bike tabata
*********** Write your bike cals down after every round! You get to take a second off your time for every cal you get on the bike!
9am Mobility
Partner Wod
With a Partner:
10 Rounds
5 WB
3 HSPU (sub 10 push ups split how you want)
1 Snatch 155/110
then 20 rounds
5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats
Then 10 Rounds
5 WB
3 HSPU (sub 10 push ups, split how you want)
1 Clean and Jerk 200/140