Saturday May 21st

Teams 4- waterfall style- 10 rounds per person
1 Mintues per machine
At completion 2 people on the team run 800 with a med ball while the other 2 members do alternating burpees.. when the running partners come back… switch spot and the burpee people go run and the running people do burpees

9am partner wod
3 Rounds Splitting Work w/Partner
200m Run Together
20 Wall Balls
20 Ring Rows
2:00 Banded Air Squats

With a Partner:
200m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs (split 100m each)
Split the work as desired:
30 Sandbag Cleans
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
60 Sandbag Squats
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 Sandbag Cleans
200m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs (split 100m each)
Sandbag can be carried anyhow
*sb cleans are over the shoulder

Stimulus: N/A Rest: N/A
Coach Focus: N/A
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A
Feel: Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 16-22 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-14 Minutes
–  Sandbag Carry: Athletes should be able to perform the 100m carry in 1 unbroken
carry. Sandbag can be carried anyhow. A heavy farmers carry is a suitable substitute
–  Sandbag Clean: Should allow for consistent reps. If sandbags are unavailable
barbell clean and jerks at 135/95lbs is a suitable substitute
–  Chest to Bar: Athletes should be able to trade sets of ~5 consistently or scale to
chin over bar pull ups
–  Sandbag Squats: Should allow for a minimum of set of 5 squat back and forth. If
sandbags are unavailable barbell front squats at 135/95lbs is a suitable substitute
Coach Focus: This longer partner workout should allow athletes to move consistently back and forth as they chip away through the prescribed work. Coaches should pair up by fitness level to reduce sandbag logistics and so that athletes can push one another for the entire workout.
Additional Notes/Resources: The Sandbag Clean is a Core to Extremity Movement!

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