Saturday March 26th

You can practice Wod Wars on the weekends, be aware of whats going on around you. its a big enough gym where nobody should be walking through someone else’s workout area.

Something a little different today, but we are going to have to start fast so DONT BE LATE
Teams of 3…
Every team pick 2 machines
50 Minutes as many cals as possible. This is long slow cardio.. longer working times.. longer breaks.
2 per team will always be working 1 will be resting, rotate in and out as needed.
Pick your strategy.. do you want to do 3 minutes per machine and switch so your working 6 minutes and resting 3? more, less, its up to you!


AMRAP 30 Minutes, with a Partner
500m Row (250m each)
20 Synchro Alt. DB Hang Snatches 50/35lbs
500m Row (250m each)
20 Synchro S. Arm DB Push Press 50/35lbs