DON’T FORGET The Nutrition Challenge meeting is TODAY AT 11am. You DON’T have to be signed up to attend the meeting, we can answer any questions you have before you get set up. Click here for the link to register.
Option 1:
Mile Time Trial Run
To properly warm up for the mile Run two 800’s slowly. On the second 800m, sprint for 10 seconds, run slow for 20, sprint 10, run slow ext. You want to be completely warmed up before you run this all out mile. We are retesting in 8 weeks.
Option 2:
Row 4000 Meters immediately into
“Death Race”
5 Rounds for Time
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpees

Going Solo Today
RX: Buy In-50 Burpees
3 Rounds
800M Run
80 Double Unders/80 Singles
21 Push Press 115/85
Cash Out-50 Burpees
SCALED:Buy In-30 Burpees
3 Rounds
600M Run
80 Singles
21 Push Press 95/65
Cash Out-30 Burpees