8am Endurance-
Classic sprints 6-10 sprints, 400m distance rest 2 minutes between efforts
Newer runners keep it around 6, advanced runners shoot for 10
9am mobility
10am partner wod.
800m Farmer’s Carry 53/35
400m Front Rack Carry 53/35
200m Overhead Carry 53/35
***First wod, split how you want
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for time of: **See below how to split this.
35 Double-unders
30 Air Squats
25 Wall Ball Shots
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Power Snatch 115/75
Workout #2: For round one person A begins and does 35 DU’s, person B does 30 squats, person A does 25 wallballs, person B does 20 C2B’s, person A does 15 snatches. That is one round complete. Then for round 2 Person B beings and does 35 DU’s, person A does 30 squats, etc, etc. Person A will begin round 3, person B will begin round 4, and person A will begin round 5