Saturday April 25th

Do one workout or do both!

Running Wod-
2x200m with a minute rest between
1x800m with a 3 minutes rest
1x 1 mile with a 4 minutes rest
1x800m with a 3 minutes rest
2x200m with a minutes rest

Run 800m
30 Dumbbell hang clean and jerk (switch every 5 reps)
75 Lunges no weight
100 Doubles or singles or jumping jacks
75 lunges no weight
30 Dumbbell hang Clean and jerks (switch every 5 reps)
Run 800m

Barbell Wod
Run 800m
15 hang Clean and jerks 135/95
75 lunges no weight
100 doubles
75 lunges no weight
15 hang clean and jerks
Run 800