Warm up
Then 3 rounds
Run 100m
5 push press empty
10 Empty bar thrusters
Push Press
Warm up to your 60 percent. shouldnt take long
Then 10 minutes emom
3 Push press at 60-65 percent of max push press light and quick
14 Minute Amrap *going to score this one for total reps
30 Alternating Single DB step ups 50/35
10 Handstand push ups
30 Alternating db snatches 50/30
10 Handstand push ups
30 Alt step ups with no weight or lighter weight
10 single arm DB push press (5 each side) or 10 push ups or 30 second handstand hold
30 alt DB snatches
10 single arm Db push press or option above
*Why are we scoring this as reps vs rounds? Because we won’t get that many rounds in. this workout is almost like a doing a couple chippers back to back.
It’s getting nice out. Time to use the outdoor space for extra work if you want it. Get out there, get some fresh air and get fit. Extra work today is for quality and technique not for speed.
Extra work
5 rounds
5 strict pull ups (jumping pull ups with a slow decent if you are still working on strict pull ups
5 Strict toes to bar or strict knee raises, slow and controlled