Monday September 27th

It’s here. The next strength cycle. Back to basics, getting strong with Deadlifts!

4 Minute Row
2:30 Easy
1:00 Moderate
:30 HARD
20 Leg Swings, per side, Front to Back
2 Rounds
3 Inchworms
10 Russian KB Swings, AHAP

Lifting Test
Start around 60-70% and add weight each set, building to a 1RM for the day. Athletes may perform additional singles as needed.
*After each set, perform 10 Russian KB Swings @ 70/53lbs for maximum explosiveness.
Kettlebells swings are a hip hinging exercise.

12 Minutes (4 rounds) Fight gone bad style
1 Minute max reps toes to bar or sits ups
1 Minute max rope climbs or pull. or partial climbs
1 Minute rest

some will start on rope, some on toes to bar. If you we have a bunch of rope climbers in a class we can stagger start by 2 minutes