Warm up
8 minute alternating emom
6 dumbbell burpee step up
4 strict pull ups plus 4 toes to bar or pull up variation and knee raises.
Snatch day!
Go through warm up progressions as class for 5 minutes then
2-2-2-2-2 of moderately heavy snatch from the floor. we have been practicing positional work and complexes for weeks. Time to put it together for some heavy doubles.
Wod For Time
20 Devil’s Press 50/35
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20 (Please step over if you are not comfortable jumping)
40 DB Thrusters 50/35
This should be a shorter wod so scale appropriately. Pick weights that allow for big continuous sets.
Accessory outside or inside depending on time. be aware of the next class starting and clear the floor if its time to clear the floor.
Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds complete
4 bar muscle ups
10 toes to bar
*working on bar muscle ups or pull ups? complete 4-8 kips swings or kip swings while snapping your hips towards the bar and 10 toes to bar or knee raises
10 minutes EMOM
Even minutes 10 burpees
odd mintues max distance lunges.