Monday October 12th

Warm up
2 Rounds
8 push press
8 push jerks
8 hang clean to split jerk

split jerks from the rack 6 sets of 2 increasing weight each round.

Wod 18 Minute AMRAP (3 Rounds, 6 minutes per round no breaks)
2 Minutes max reps hang cleans 185/125
2 Minutes max reps burpees over your bar
2 Minutes max cals on bike, ski, or rower

-Pick a weight for the hang clean where you can around 5 unbroken the first set of each round
-burpees over your bar are burpees over your bar, try to be efficient as possible, no extra steps, walking around, get down to the ground if you are tired instead of standing still, at least you are halfway done with the burpee if you are on the ground
-if bike or rower is a strength for you, really push this portion, but keep in mind you have a heavy pull coming up in the clean right after
-for this wod you are starting with a pretty heavy lift, not meant to be a weight thats done 20 times unbroken.. heart rate will be up, then you are moving to burpee.. just keep moving, then onto some cals.
-this one will be tough to pace, can you keep a steady pace on the rower or bike and get a decent amount of cals in without being in the red the whole time? The heavy lift is going to throw you off but don’t just throw that 2 minutes away. get used to lifting something heavy then being able to move quickly on two body weight movements

Extra work outside or inside if there is time
3 or 4 unbroken sets of the following complex, rest as needed between sets

6 Toes to Bar
4 Pull Ups
2 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1 Bar Muscle Up

**still working on any of the movements above?
do the movements you can unbroken then take a few minutes to hit some progressions for the movements you are still learning