Monday May 24th

3 Rounds
10 Pendlay Rows
100m Run
10 Push Press
100m Run
10 Hang Muscle Cleans

** do NOT skip days like to today if you don’t have muscle ups. we all started somewhere. We will work with you wherever you are at.

3 Rounds
4 Ring Rows w/ Pause at the top of the rep, slow negative
Rest as needed
2 Rounds of 5 reps
Jump into Kip
3 Rounds of 5 reps
Jump+kip+knees up to bar (while closing the shoulder and keeping arms relatively straight)
3 rounds of 5 reps
Jump kip knees to bar plus drive hips to bar
then, 3 sets of 1-3 Bar Muscle Ups

AMRAP 21 Minutes
18 Burpees to 6″ Target
5 Bar Muscle Ups
18 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs
3 Bar Muscle Ups

BMUs: No more than 2 sets at any points, otherwise modify to jump bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups
HPC: 1-3 sets or reduce loading. Any style of hang clean is acceptable

Target Score: 5+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: 8+ Rounds

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