Monday March 25th

2 Sets or 8:00 minutes
10/7 Calorie Echo Bike
6 Inchworm to Hollow Body
12 Alternating V-Ups
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges
:15 Hollow Hold

Gymnastics + Weightlifting
10:00 minute EMOM
minute 1: Bar Muscle-Up Drill **see below, pick one or two
minute 2: 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats
Building from 70% of Squat Clean to Heavy for the Day

Bar Muscle-Up Drills + Progressions
1) 8-10 Bar Kip Swings, building height with each kip swing
2) 2-3 Toenail Spot Bar Muscle-Up
3) 2-3 Bar Muscle-Up Hip Pop Swing
4) 1-2 Banded Hip to Bar Drill
5) 1-2 Banded Bar Muscle-Ups , Light to moderate band
Other Gymnastics Drills + Skills , Newer Athletes
1) Hollow Rocks + Arch Rocks
2) Hollow Rock to Hip Extension
3) Scapular Pull-Ups
4) Active + Passive Hangs
5) Banded Hollow Body Pull-Over

4 Sets, For Max Reps
3:00 minute AMRAP
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Front Squats, 185/125lb, (84/57kg)
-Max Calorie Echo Bike
1:30 Rest Between Rounds
Score: Total Echo Calories

Primary Objective: Complete the Bar Muscle-Ups and Front Squats in under 2:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Increase calories on each and every set.
Stimulus: Gymnastics Conditioning + Quad Pump / V02 Max

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy: We are looking to keep the Bar Muscle-Ups to a quick couple sets of either 6-4, or 5-5
with the possibility of moving to 3-3-2 on the Bar before hitting a Sq or uat Clean into 10
unbroken Front Squats. The goal here is to manage the transitions to be able to hit the
10 Bar Muscle-Ups + 10 Front Squats in under 1:30 to allow for about 1:30 on the Bike
to finish each set. Knowing that we have 1:30 on the bike will tell you that this is a
submaximal effort on the bike and ideally we are looking to increase pace across all 4

Today, we have several scaling options available to accommodate different skill levels: banded bar
muscle-ups, box bar muscle-ups, low bar banded bar muscle-ups, or burpee pull-ups. Each of these
variations is designed to help you develop the necessary skills and strength for a full bar muscle-up