Monday 8/15
Warm Up
6 Inch Worms with a Push Up
20 Thick Banded Good Mornings
-Then 2 Rounds
200 m run SPRINT
10 Plank Toe Taps
:15 Review
*Set Up
Create tension, put your shoulders in your back pocket
Shoulder over wrist
Shoulder higher than hips
Hips higher than knees

:20 Strength
Build to a Heavy Deadlift Single between
3×5 @ 75-80% 1RM
Rest 3-4 minutes between sets
WITHIN 1 MIN of each set, perform 3 seated box jumps (post activation potentiation
All reps are performed as “singles”. Deadlift to standing, return the bar to the ground under control, and then release your grip on the bar before beginning the next rep
Deadlifts will take most of the hour
Choose one of the following and perform as
an E2MOM Capacity building session.
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets, perform 1 smooth
set of:
- Strict Banded Pull Ups (10-15 reps)
- Push Ups (10-25 reps)
- Ab mat or GHD Sit Ups (10-25 reps)
- 1:00 Weakest Machine
:55 Cool Down
2 min Bike cool down
Childs pose