Friday May 8th

Warm Up
2 Rounds
run 400
10 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups


Strict press with dumbell or barbell.
5 sets til failure.
Shooting for about 10 reps so base your weight off that
If you only have a single dumbell press with one arm til failure then switch to your other arm.. make it burn.

WOd 1
10 min AMRAP
10 alternating arm devils press
20 Sit ups

Rest 5 minutes

Wod 2 AMRAP 10
10 alternating arm devils press
20 sit ups


Barbell verison
10 Minute amrap
5 Burpees
5 clean and jerks 135/95
20 SIt ups

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Minute Amrap
5 burpees
5 Clean and jerks
20 Sit ups
Extra works

3 Rounds:
15 Single Leg Hip Bridges (each side)
10 Lateral Box Step Ups (each side)
10-15 (reverse grip pull up) or 15 bent over rows

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