Friday May 7th

AMRAP 6 Minutes
200m Run
10 Russian KB Swings
:20 Hollow Rock
10 A-Frame Toe Touches
:20 Deadhang from Pull Up Bar

You just squatted very heavy yesterday. Strength session today is with body weight. Don’t poo poo on ring rows until you try a max set… 5 times in a row. Rows are a great way to build strict pulling strength.

5 Rounds
1 Max Set of Ring Rows
If an athlete can perform 15+ PERFECT reps, elevate your feet on a box/bench

Toes to Bar
Hang Power Snatch 75/55lbs
*just because you can go rx, doesn’t always mean you should go rx. this is over 80 toes to bar. knee raises are just fine. keep the target times in mind

Toes to Bar: Scale to Kipping Knee Raises before OR reducing reps to version below. Athlete should never spend more than around 1:30 at the pull up bar.
HPS: Looking for 3 sets or less each time, Athletes should be able to do 10+ Reps each set to start with this light weight.

Target Score: 9-14 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-9

Scaled version with less reps

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