Friday April 28th

Warm up
3 Rounds
– 1:00 Machine
– 15 Air Squats
-10 hang snathes
-5 overhead squats
add weight each round

Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Squat Snatch


20 Rounds for Time
6 Dumbbell Front Squats 50s/35s
3 Strict HSPU
*take it easy on the weight if you are new. Even no weight is fine. Advanced athletes, this is 120 weighted squats. stepping it back a day isnt the end of the world.

Feel: Muscle Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 10-15 Minutes (round every :45 = 15 minutes)

Firebreather Score: Sub-10 Minutes (round every :30 or faster)


  • DB Front Squat: Reduce the loading before the reps.
  • SHSPU: Scale to kipping HSPU, DB Strict Press or DB Push Press, or even 1 wall walk. Ideally these are 1 set, but allowing athletes to perform 1-2 reps is acceptable since they will accumulate a decent volume over 20 rounds.
  • Scale athletes to the most difficult version of this workout they can do in under 15 minutes, or 1 round every :45.