Warm up
3 Rounds
100 M run
10 Ground to Overhead
10 No push ups burpees
10 Push ups
Chipper fun Dumbbell verison (cap yourself at 20 minutes and move on if you didnt make it)
60 DB Snatches (right arms only) 50/35
60 Burpees
60 DB Snatches (left arms only)
60 Air Squats
****Scale to 40 if this seem excessive, which it does.
Rest 5 minutes (Cap yourself at 10 minutes on this second one)
30 Single Arm DB OH Squats (right only)
30 Burpees
30 Single Arm DB OH Squats (left only)
30 Air Squats
****The single arm overhead squat is one of the toughest movement to master. If you are struggling try a single DB lunge. If you are struggling with that just switch to a single arm front rack DB squat. Go light if you are attempting the single arm overhead squat. Use a water jug, a can of soup, anything light to try and work through this movement
______________________________________________________________________________Barbell Chipper version (time cap yourself at 20 minutes)
30 Power snatches 95/65
60 Burpees
30 Power snatches 95/65
60 Air squats
*scale snatched to 20 if 30 seems like too much
Rest 5 Minutes
15 Overhead squats 95/65
30 Burpees
15 Overhead squats 95/65
30 Air squats
*If overhead squat are too tough with an empty bar, and you wanted a little weight switch to front squats. Although practicing overhead squats with an empty bar or even a stick is the only way to get better at them