Coaches choice warm upAll partner workouts Wod 110 Minute Amrap20 cals on a machine20 Shoulder to OH 135/9550 Doubles or singels Wod 210 Minutes 6 Cleans (alternating and heavy, you go i go at about 90 percent of 1 rep max)20 Burpees over your barWod 3 for timeRun 400 together 50 synchronized air knee raisesRun...Read More
8am- In teams of 335 Minute Amrap50 bike cals- 1 Partner working at a time, 2 resting, that means push the pace50 Sandbag cleans – (partner one does 1 rep, partner 2 does on rep, partner 3 does one rep and on and on)50 ski cals50 sand bag cleans50 row cals 50 sandbag cleans9amWarm up-...Read More
It’s Open Season. Check for the workout of the day There is a longer post on the facebook page but here is the lowdown-have fun! -Know the workout before you get here if you are registered. That’s your responsibility as much as it the coaches. -regular class times at 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am. The...Read More
WARM UP 1:00 PVC Pass Throughs -Then- Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes 8/6 Bike Calories 6 S-Arm DB Power Clean>Squat Clean* 20 Single Unders>Double Unders** **Snatch Positional work w/ Empty Barbell High Pull Power Position Hang Power Snatch :20 STRENGTH EMOM 10 Minutes1 Power Snatch @ 70-80% :40 WODAMRAP 6 Minutes4 S-Arm DB Squat...Read More
Tuesday 2/14 WARM UP AMRAP 7 Minutes 3 Inch Worms 5 Burpees 10 Ring Rows 5 Burpees :10 STRENGTH AMRAP 1:00 x 5 Max Wall Walks Rest 1:00 *For athletes developing the skill choose: – Max Scaled Wall Walks – Max wall walk progression* *wall walk progression= From top of push up, 2 plank shoulder...Read More
Monday 2/13 WARM UP With a partner, 3 rounds each P1: 20 Wallballs P2: Air Bike Partners switch when wallballs are complete. Use a light enough ball to allow for 20 reps unbroken every round. STRENGTH Back Squat- Last week of work on the 5×5’s. We know a lot of you had a successful cycle...Read More
Coaches choice warm upThen in teams of 2Wod 1- alternating rounds for 10 minutes 5 pull ups10 push ups 15 squats**if that takes a person more than a minute scale the numbers back so it takes closer to 45 secondsWod 2 – split how you wantAmrap 30 minutes 4 rope climbs (scale to 12 pulls...Read More
8am endurance- team of 235 Minute Amrap for Meters Partner 1- starts on a ski or rowPartner 2- Carries a sandbag (bear hug only) 25 feet then does5 sand bag cleans 6 Burpee box facing step over (NO JUMPING TODAY!!!!) 5 sand bag cleanscarry sandbag back to machine and switch spots 9am Coaches choice warm...Read More