Warm-Up3 Rounds12/9 Calorie Row5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Muscle Clean and Press10 Banded Face Pulls10 Hollow Rocks10 Arch RocksInto..3 RoundsBar Shapes : Neutral Hang + Hollow Hang + Neutral Hang + Arch HangHold each position for 3-5 secondsRest as needed between each set throughAs the open approaches in a few weeks why not give this...Read More
8:00 minutes, For Quality1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch10 Tall Muscle Cleans10 Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs5 Squat jumpsStrength ThrustersEvery 1:30, 5 Sets3 Reps @ 70%+Directly into..Front SquatsEvery 1:30, 5 Sets3 Reps @ 70%+ The goal today for both the Thrusters and the Front Squats is to build from 70%...Read More
Warm upStop in and find out WeightliftingSplit JerkEvery 90 seconds, 8 Sets2 Sets x 3 Reps @ 70%2 Sets x 2 Reps @ 75%2 Sets x 1 Rep @ 80-85%1 Set x 2 Reps @ 75%1 Set x 2 Reps @ 70%Wod3 Rounds for Time:400m Run10 Clean and Jerks 155/105 lb, (70/48 kg)10 Bar Facing...Read More
Barbell warm upPartners 9 minute amrap9 Squat Cleans, 185/1359 Push Jerks, 185/1359 bar or ring muscle upsRest 5 Minutes then go into this16 minute amrapRow 50020 Sandbag cleansRest 5 then go into1500 meter ski for time- split how you wantRead More
8am, we will do a waterfall type workout with.SkiBikeBurpee box step ups Restminute each station, 10 rounds each teammate on a team of 4.Its going to be really cold so we are keeping the workout inside. 9am- crossfit- with a partner, split how you want or go solo9 minute amrap9 Squat Cleans, 185/1359 Push Jerks,...Read More
Client Appreciation Night Tonight. Come out for some food and the dopest free shirt5am, 6am, 9am 10am will be regular class structure. 4 to 7pm we will run several heats of this workout but it will be a little less structured than a regular classWarm up 2:00 minute Cardio ChoiceInto..3 Rounds10 Scapular Pull-Ups5/5 Single Arm...Read More
Warm-Up10:00 minutes, For Quality9/7 Calorie Row10 Push ups (elbows locked at the top, chest and thighs touch ground at bottom, use a band around the elbows for help with a strict push up) 1 Wall Walk + :10sec Nose to Wall Hold6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows10 Ring V-Outs Strength:Bench PressEvery 2:30 minutes, 5 Sets, Complete...Read More