Teams of 2- split how you want10 Minute amrap10 Heavy sandbags over shoulder20 Push ups20 sit ups Wod 2-12 minutes12 clean and push jerks14 Pull ups16 Burpees over you barWod 3 Row or Ski 4000/3500Read More
All cardio for 8amTeams of 440 Minute AmrapSki- Teammate 1Bike – Teammate 2Row- Teammate 3Run 400- Teammate 4When teammate 4 comes back they go to ski, ski, goes to bike, bike to row, row to runKeep cycling through. Switch when the person running gets back9a CrossfitWorkout 1-12 Minute Amrap10 wall balls 15 KB swings20 Box...Read More
Weightlifting warm up Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Squat CleanEvery 90 seconds, 8 Sets1+1+2 @ 70-75%That means 1 power clean, 1 hand power clean, 2 squat cleans from the floorAfter the strength we will go over some muscle up progressions to give you a chance to find what movement you will be using...Read More
8:00 minutes for Quality10/10 Arm Swings (Forward and Back)5 Hollow to Arch Roll- from the window to the wall:20/:20seconds Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold10 Scapular Push-UpsWorkout40 minute EMOM Minute 1- 12-9 cal bikeminute 2: 50/50ft (15/15m) Crossbody High Low KB Carry 53/35lb, (24/16kg)minute 3: 13/10 Calorie Ski Ergminute 4: 10 Shoot Throughs**we will options for...Read More
3 Sets, For Quality12/9 Calorie Machine8 Alternating Box Step-Ups8 Step-Down Box Jumps 24/20’’*lets step down today and most days. snapped Achilles are not a good thing. rebounding box jumps are not a great movements. the open is next week. stay healthy8 muscle snatch8 low hang power snatch *start 2 inches below your newStrength.. lighter weight...Read More
We will be hitting cleans twice this week. The CrossFit Open is next week. register for it at It’s a lot fun. We will be explaining the crossfit open more throughout the week. Warm upBarbell warm upStrength 10 minute EMOM2 Power Clean and Push Jerks @ 70%After the EMOM will have time to go...Read More
Teams of 2Wod 1- 10 minute amrap- alternating rounds- good little warm up workout5 pull ups10 push ups15 squatsWod 2-12 Minutes AmrapSplit how want400 M Row10 Power Cleans10 shoulder to overhead**** add 3 Power cleans and 3 shoulder to overhead every roundWod 3-10 Minutes amrap-split how you want20 Burpees over your bar 6 rope climbsRead More
8am, teams of 5 waterfall style, 2 minutes per station, until each person has gone through 5 timesThis will take the entire hour, don’t be late. we are starting as soon as we can. Station 1-bikestation 2- rowstation 3- skiStation 4- Sandbag throw over box, then burpee box step over/step down Station 5 rest9am crossfit...Read More
Warm upOn the boardStrength WeightliftingEvery 2:00 minutes, 5 Sets2 Hang Squat SnatchStarting @ 70-75% of 1RM Squat Snatch and Increasing to a heavy double for the dayWod 5 Rounds for Time:15 Toes to Bar12 Overhead Squats 95/65lb, (43/30kg)9/7 Calorie Echo BikeRest 1:00 minute between roundsTime Domain: 11:00-15:00 minutesTime Cap: 18:00 minutesPrimary Objective: Complete each round...Read More