Sunday Funday – teamsWods will be on the boardwod 1 will be synchronized single db thrusters and rowingWod 2-9 Min Amrap- split how you want20 Deadlifts 185/13520 Toes to barWod 3 will be clean and jerks and synchronized burpeesRead More
8am Endurance. Teams of 345 minutes AmrapBuy In (only do this once)800m walk/run -one partner carries a sandbag, one partner carries 2 KB’s, one partner carries nothing*switch anytime, when you switch do 3 burpees eachAfter completing the 800 start the following. 1 partner working at a timeBike CalsRow CalsSki Cals*every time you switch spots on...Read More
4 minutes cardio then coach lead barbell warm upStrengthSquat or power Snatch5 snatches @ 70%2 sets of 4 Snatches @ 75%2 sets of 3 Snatches @ 80%2 set of 2 Snatches @ 85%2 sets of 1 Snatch @ 90%This is going to take a little while. Its squat or power but the workout is a...Read More
Warm-Up3 Sets, For Quality1:00 minute Row: Increase Intensity on Each Set10 Cossack Squats30 second Glute Bridge Hold10 Behind the neck elbow punch throughs1 “Barbell Complex”“Barbell Complex” equals the following3 Clean Grip Deadlift3 Hang Clean High Pulls3 Hang Muscle Cleans3 Front Squats3 Push Press10 Behind the Neck Elbow Punch ThroughWe will give you time to warm...Read More
3 Sets, For Quality30 second Jump Rope Practice8 Walking Inchworm to Hollow10 Alternating Dead-Bugs12 Plank Shoulder Taps14 Second Ice Skater Hops Gymnastics Skills Acquisition / PlayFreestanding Hold Drills and Skills- please read past this if you don’t want to go upside-down. There is other options 4 Sets1:00 minute : Accumulated Handstand Hold1:00 minute: RestScale:-Block Assist...Read More
Warm-Up2 Sets, For Quality1:00 minute Cardio Choice10 Deep Squat Thoracic Rotations15 Banded Good Mornings10 Medball Cleans5 broad jumpsSquat Waves- We will give you plenty of time to warm up to your first percentage. Back SquatEvery 2:00 minutes, 9 Total Sets ( 3 Waves) 18:00 minutesSet 1: 5 Reps @ 77-80-82%Set 2: 3 Reps @ 80-82-85%Set...Read More
Sunday Funday- Teams of 2Wod 18 Minutes AmrapRun 800 (both partners)In the remaining time as many reps as possible of cleans 185/135 or 155/115 or 135/95 or 95/65Wod 2-8 minute amrap, split how you want10 Burpees over bar20/15 cals bike or ski30 air squatsWod 3 for time, split how want60 cal row40 sandbag step ups...Read More
8am Endurance9am Barbell Beatdown test workouts with Cotee River CrossFit8amIn Teams of 3300 Calorie Echo Bike5k RunTime Cap: 40:00 minutesTime Domain: Goal 20:00-30:00 minutesScaling the Bike based on team composition M/M/M = 300 CaloriesF/F/F = 210 CaloriesM/M/F = 270 CaloriesF/F/M = 240 Calories Format: One partner will work on completing the bike calories. Another partner...Read More
Warm-Up3 Rounds12/9 Calorie Row5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Muscle Clean and Press10 Banded Face Pulls10 Hollow Rocks10 Arch RocksInto..3 RoundsBar Shapes : Neutral Hang + Hollow Hang + Neutral Hang + Arch HangHold each position for 3-5 secondsRest as needed between each set throughAs the open approaches in a few weeks why not give this...Read More