Warm-Up:3 Sets, For Quality:30/:30 Adductor Rock Backs:30/:30 Active Deep Lunge Stretch10 Cossack Squats *Slow and Controlled5/5 Single Leg Pistol Step-Downs5 Jumping Pull-Ups + 3 sec Eccentric**we are introducing a new phrase today RPE- Rate of perceived exertion. read below. Strength 12 min emomMinute 1-Pause Back Squats (2sec) (RPE of 7, read below)Minute 2: 10 Dual...Read More
Warm-Up:3 Sets, For Quality30 Jump Rope Practice10 Hollow Rocks10 second Hollow Hold10 Deadlifts, add weight each round10 Scapular Pull-UpsWorkout first today. Push up test second “Popeye”15:00 minute EMOM: For Completion Minute 1: 15 Deadlifts ***** weight will go up, reps will go down the next 4 rounds Minute 2: 10/8 Strict Pull-Ups Minute 3: 75...Read More
Warm up3 minutes on a machine into*if you feel like you need more time to stretch and warm up before 1RM snatch attempt get here a little bit early Barbell Primer3 Sets,2 Hang Muscle Snatches4 Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Push Press6 Overhead Squats4 Snatch Balance2 High Hang Squat SnatchStart with and empty barbell and...Read More
Warm up- Coaches choicePartner workoutsWod 1- 12 minutes30 cal row30 Bench press- Split the bench evenly at 15 reps each. moderate weight. spot your partnerWod 2-8 minutes- Alternating rounds ***DO NOT THROW YOUR DUMBBELLS** there will be other people on the ground doing burpees12 atl db snatches8 burpeessWod 3-12 Minutes- split how you wantSKi 30...Read More
Endurance at 8amCrossFit Class at 9am on the crossfit sideAdult Weightlifting Class on the platforms at 9amEnduranceTeams of 4- 40 Minute amrap60 Cal Ski6 sled pushes (DOWN AND BACK IS 2)60 sandbags over shoulder6 sled pushes60 cal row6 sled pushes60 burpees 6 sled pushes9am CrossFitThese are 2 of the quarter final workouts. If you are...Read More
Warm-Up2 Sets, For Quality1:00 minute Cardio Choice5 Inchworm Push-Ups10 Alternating Samson LungesInto group barbell warm upClean and jerk time. we know this is the second time this week. Every 2:00 minutes, 8 Sets1 Clean and Jerk, starting @ 70% and building to a Heavy for the DayWod “Grettel”10 Rounds for Time3 Clean-and-Jerks 135/95lb, 61/43kg3 Bar...Read More
Warm-Up8:00 minutes, For Quality10 Down Dog Toe Taps5/5 Single Arm Ring Rows w/ Pause at Chest10 Ring V-Outs30 second Thoracic Extension Against the WallThenGymnastics SkillsHandstand Walk Drills / ProgressionsRope Climbs “The Overlook”10 Rounds for Time1 Rope Climb 15ft5m (15ft) Handstand Walk (sub 1 wall walk or handstand hold)7/5 Strict Pull-Ups (sub banded strict)15m (25/25ft) Mix...Read More
Warm-Up:3 Sets, For Quality:200m Run10 Hip 90/90 Rotations:20/20 Second Copenhagen Hold:20/20 Second Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold10 PVC Pipe Passovers + 10 Overhead SquatsStrengthWe will let you warm up and get weight on your bar ThenStrengthTake 15:00 minutes to Establish3RM Overhead SquatWe will be taking this from the rack. The focus will be to Snatch...Read More
Warm up3 Rounds, For Quality1:00 minute Rowing Form Work10 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swing5/5 Kettlebell Windmill20 Plank Shoulder Taps20 sec Strict Knee Raises (Controlled Slow Tempo)Into Toes to bar progression and skill workFor this strength skill DO NOT do very high volume if you haven’t in a while. Pick a number per round and stick...Read More
10 Minute barbell warm upThen 10 Minutes Emom2 Clean and jerksyou can start at 60 to 70 percent and move up, but this shouldnt end up as a two rep max. *take time between the strength and wod to get some reps of whatever gymnastics movement you are doing for this work. You want your...Read More