Wod 1- =14 minutes amrap20 Handstand Push ups4 rope climbs200 M run together14 Bar muscle upsWod 216 Minutes EMOM- alternating minutes- partner 1 does the complex on minute 1, partner 2 does it on minute 24 Power Cleans 185/1353 Front Squats 185/952 Shoulder to overhead 185/135Wod 314 Minutes amrap split how you want 40 Cal...Read More
8am-Its been a minute so why not do some sandbag burpees box overs?35 Minutes amrapteams of 4Partner 1-Run 400Partner 2-skiPartner 3-rowPartner 4-burpee sandbag box overs*switch when the runner gets back9am- “Forrest” 3 Rounds 400m Run 40 Air Squats -Rest 3:00- 3 Rounds 400m Run 30 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35lb, 24/16kg) -Rest 3:00- 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 weighted Box...Read More
Regular Classes in the morningOPEN GYM 4 to 5pmGainz-Giving 6pm to ?Come out and enjoy some workout and/or foodWarm-UpBody Flow Warm-Up20 seconds, Each Movement-Alternating Arm Swings-Back Slaps-Wrist Circles-Trunk Rotations-Hip Circles-Bow and Bend-Down Dog Toe Touches-Quarter Squat Reactive Jumps — 2 Sets, For Quality 3 Hang Snatch High Pull3 Hang Muscle Snatch3 Overhead Squat3 Snatch Balance3...Read More
2 Sets, for Quality200m Run6 Inchworm Push-Ups9/7 Calorie Bike10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers10 Hollow Rocks“Chubbs” 8 Rounds for Time (40 min cap)(goal 26 to 35)200m Run3 Wall Walk / 50ft (15m) Handstand Walk18/13 Calorie Echo10 Line Facing Burpees Round 1/3/5/7: Wall WalkRounds 2/4/6/8: Handstand Walk***if you are working on going upside down you can do...Read More
Warm-Up:10:00 minutes for Quality15 Banded Pull Aparts10 Reps / Each Bent Over Y-A-T-With light weight plates10 Glute Bridges w/ 2 sec Pause5/5 Rotational Ring RowsWarm up to a bench press weight. We can stagger start by a minute in busy classes and/or if you want a spot on your bench“Shooter” 20:00 EMOMmin 1: 5 Bench...Read More
Warm-Up 1:00 Kneeling Forearm Stretch:45/:45 Banded Front Rack Stretch -then- For Quality:12:00 EMOMMinute 1: 10/10 Banded Archer RowMinute 2: 10/8 Calorie RowMinute 3: 10 Alternating Box Step-Ups + 5 Box JumpsMinute 4 – :10 Dead Hang + 10 Scap Pull-UpsThen we will spend time on pull up progressions, if you have pull ups work on...Read More
Warm up on the board! Strength-18 Minutes to establish a 3 rep max deadliftStarting with some light loads on the barbell and building sets of 1-2 reps at a time until around 90% . We should have the goal of completing the 3RM Deadlift at close to 90%, so if you feel like you do...Read More
Partner workoutsWod 114 MInute Amrap split how you want26 Wall balls4 Rope Climbs26 Cal rowWod 2- split how you want12 Minutes Run 200 together 10 Clean and jerksIncrease weight every round. if you make it to the final weight stay there for remaining rounds ***weights are 95/135, 105/155, 115/185, 125/205-keep your bar out with weights...Read More
8amTurkey Sandwich 5k prepTeams of 2, you go i go200m (each person runs 1)200m400m400m800m800M400m400m200m200m *this is 2.5 miles each. this could be done on a rower if you cant run. if you dont this 2.5 miles is doable, take the second 800 out. 9am endurance Warm-Up:2-3 Sets, For Quality 1:00 Cardio Choice 5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch 10/10 Single...Read More
Warm-UpPart A)6:00 minutes, For Quality60 second Machine Choice10 x (Push-Up + 2 Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers)10 Dead-Bug Heel Taps(5 Single Arm Upright Row + 5 Single Arm Strict Press) / Arm Part B) 6:00 minutesBarbell Technique PrimerTall CleanHang CleanFront SquatTall JerkJerk Balance *Work a few rotations through here building light loads before ultimately going...Read More