
8:00 EMOMMinute 1: Cardio of ChoiceMinute 2: :20/:20 World’s Greatest StretchMinute 3: 10/10 Hand to Hand Wrist Circles + Puppy Dog Pose in Remaining TimeMinute 4: *Barbell Complex Barbell Complex10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift8 Tall Muscle Cleans6 Strict Press Specific Barbell Prep + Get to Working Loads (8-10 minutes)Perform 2 Cycles, Adding Loads Clean Pull Power...
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400m Run:40 Glute Bridge Hold:30 Down Dog Calf Gas Pedals:20/:20 Samson Stretch–2 Sets: For Quality6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows with Rotation10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers6 No Jump Burpees6 Jumping Pull-UpsSpend 5-10 minutes on rope climb progressions20 minute AMRAP3 rounds of:200m Run1 Rope Climb5-10-15 Burpee Pull-UpsRight into 3 rounds of:400m Run2 Rope Climbs20-25-Max Burpee Pull-Ups Rope...
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8-12 EMOM, 2-3 setsMinute 1: Cardio ChoiceMinute 2: 10 Russian KBS + 10 Goblet SquatsMinute 3: 10 Alternating Box Step-Ups + 5 Box Jumps 24/20inMinute 4: Mobilization Exercise Round 1: :20/:20 Second Pigeon StretchRound 2: :20/:20 World’s Greatest StretchRound 3: :60 Thoracic Squat Rotations—Specific Barbell Prep (4-6 min)Focus on bracing and breathing mechanics in the...
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2 Sets: for Quality:15 Hollow Hold20 Alternating V-Ups:30 second Wall Support Handstand Hold:15/:15 Single Arm Active Hang8 Bar Kip Swings / Kipping Knee Raises / Alternating Toe to Bar10 Push upsThis is a lot to finish in an hour so start warming up to 70 perecnt of your bench right after the workoutBenchEvery 4:00 minutes...
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Mondays workout is below but here is preview of the week *****Strength Progressions:Olympic Lifting (Monday/Friday) – Continued technical refinement and exposure to heavier percentages.Back Squat (Wednesday) – Progressing our squat cycle with focus on bracing and mechanics under load.Deadlifts & Strict HSPU (Friday) – Prioritizing posterior chain strength and strict pressing endurance.**** Conditioning Themes:Sprint Capacity...
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Workout- Teams of 2Workout 1-split the work12 Minute Amrap25 cal row200 Meter run together 30 foot handstand walk or 6 wall walksWorkout 210 Minutes 16 clean and jerks, 135/954 Rope ClimbsWorkout 3 16 Minute Amrap50 Pull ups50 Burpees over your bar50 cal ski50 Snathces 95/6550 bike cals How far can you get into the 2nd...
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40 minutes- Teams of 3 split how you want -Ski 40*-Row 40*-run 200 (one at time while others partner rest)*What does the star mean…. that means 30 cal bike and 18 burpees split how you want between each movement 9am CrossFitCoaches choice warm up400m Dual Dumbbell Farmers Carry Buy-In–5 Rounds For Time20/14 Calorie Echo Bike200-400-600-800m-1000m...
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Warm-Up (10 minutes)2:00 Cardio Choice–2 Sets: For Quality10 Bootstrap Squat8 Scapular Pull-Ups6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows10 Cossack Squats10 second Chin Over Bar Hold Specific Barbell Prep (5-7 minutes)Back Squat5 Reps @ 50%3 Reps @ 60%3 Reps @ 65%Then Working Loads on the BarBack SquatEvery 2:00 minutes x 6 SetsSet 1: 5 @ 70%Set 2: 5...
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2:00 Cardio Choice10 PVC Pipe Around the Worlds:15/:15 second Standing PVC Pipe Prayer Stretch–2 Sets: For Quality5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press10 Hollow Rocks10 Arch Rocks—Specific Barbell Prep (5-7 minutes)2 Sets: Empty Barbell3 Hang Muscle Snatch3 Hang Power Snatch5 Strict Press–3 Sets: Building Loads1.1.1 Power Snatch, building to 70%3-5 Strict Press,...
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2 Sets: For Quality2 Cardio (Bike or Row)10 Alternating Box Step-Ups10 push upsWarm up to Bench Starting weightEver 2:00 for 5 sets 5 reps starting at 70 percent and building upWorkout Time cap 25 minutes 2 Rounds For Time:50/40 Calorie Row400m Bearhug sandbag carry50/36 Calorie Echo50 Single Dumbbell Step-Overs Box Height: 24/20inDumbbell: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kgScalingScale cals...
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