Partner workoutSunday FundayWod 116 Minutes Split how you want600m Row20 toes to bar20 Burpees over your rowerWod 2- 12 Minutes- Alternating rounds200 M ski2 Rope climbs (or 4 pulls)Wod 3150 wall balls for time, split how wantRead More
8am endurance, 9am will be an all weightlifting workout with Coach Jordon, no CrossFit class at 9, come in and get help with your weightlifting. everyone is welcome8am endurance with Coach Mike36 Minutes-Team of 3RowskiRun 400Switch when your runner comes back, 9am-Weightlifting with Coach JordonRead More
Warm-Up 4 Sets20 seconds on / 10 second transition– Dead-Hang From Pull-Up Bar– Burpee Bar Touch– Bar Kip Swings– Ring Rows- –Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell SwingsGymnastics Skill ProgressionSpend 10-15 minutes on Chest to Bar Technique and Progressions-Scale today include Inverted Rows for more mid-back engagement or banded chest to bar to allow for full range...Read More
3 Sets30 Seconds @ Each Station30 seconds off– Machine of Choice– Bottoms Up Kettlebell Waiters Walk (Switch @ 15 seconds)– Bear Plank Shoulder TapsBradford Press with LockoutStrengthEvery 2:30 x 4 Sets3 Strict Press + 5 Push PressStarting @ 70% of Strict PressThis is to be done as unbroken complex, building loads with the goal of...Read More
Warm-Up:3 Sets,1:00 Cardio Choice (Bike / Run / Row)8 Walking Inchworm to Hollow10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges10 Alternating Dead-Bug Heel TapsRowing Form and TechniqueRowing Form and Technique video– Pick Drill– Arms and Body– Legs and Body– Half Stroke– Full Stroke“Empty the Tank” For Time:Every 3:00 x 9 Sets, Alternating StationsStation 1:...Read More
2 Sets, For Quality30 second Jump Rope Practice5/5 Pendulum Lunges10 Scapular Pull-Ups5 Strict Knee to Chest10 Alternating V-UpsSpecific4 Sets, (6:00 minutes)3 Back Squats+3 Goblet Squats*Building loads on bothStrengthFor Load:Every 3:00 x 4 Sets5 Back Squats @ 75-80%Rest 15-30 seconds4-6 Speed Goblet SquatsThis format dictates that we will be choosing a load in the 75-80% range...Read More
Warm-Up:Part A) Body Flow Warm-Up20 seconds, Each Movement-Alternating Arm Swings-Back Slaps-Wrist Circles-Trunk Rotations-Hip Circles-Bow and Bend-Down Dog Toe Touches-Quarter Squat Reactive Jumps Part B) Barbell Warm-UpThen Pull-Out a Barbell|2 Sets6 Romanian Deadlifts6 Hang Muscle Cleans6 Strict Press3 Tall Power Cleans3 Push Jerk *Perform with Empty Barbell Part C) Specific Barbell Primer2-3 Cycles, Cueing PositionsClean Lift...Read More
There will be NO 9am classes CrossFit or Weightlifting classes today only an 8am endurance class. Come out to Tampa Bay games!!8am Endurance In teams of 2 Row for cals 12 MInutes, switching every 2 minutes bike for 12 cals Minutes switching every 2 Minutes Run for 12 minutes switching every 200M**since the bike and...Read More
Warm-Up 2-3 Sets, For Quality1:00 Row (:30 ez/:20 mod/:10 hard)6/6 Dumbbell Windmills4/4 Single Arm Dumbbell Push-Up Renegade Row2/2 Single Arm Devils Press10 banded glutes steps each way, front back left and righStrengthBench PressEvery 3:00 x 4 Sets3 Reps @ 80%Rest 30 secondsĀ 5 Reps @ 70%% based on 1RM Bench Press. You will perform 3 reps...Read More
Warm-Up2 Sets, Through:40 seconds on, :20 seconds off– Walking Inchworm to Hollow Body– Hollow Rocks– Wall Walk to Handstand Hold– Scapular Pull-UpsGymnastics Handstand walk progressionsCoach will take you through progressions. If you have no interest in going upside down, thats ok. We will have you do 5 sets of 10 (4 each arm) alternating dumbell...Read More