Endurance- All fun running today 2×200 with 60 seconds rest 3×400 with 2 minutes rest 2×800 with 3 minutes rest 3×400 with 2 minutes rest 2×200 with 60 seconds rest 9am- Open Gym (no mobility today) 10am Partner Wod 1000 M Row (split) 800 M run (split into 200’s, REAL 200’s where you touch the...Read More
Controlled chaos today. Find someone that will be using about the same weight as you and partner up. There will be bars everywhere but if you work together this should be pretty easy to get through. Warm up- Get bars set up and build up to the weight you will be using for each movement,...Read More
All aboard the struggle bus. Going to be doing a movement we rarely do in class. Dumbbell hang squat snatches Warm Up 3 rounds row 250 20 OHS with PVC 30 pass throughs meet at the board! Go over DB squat snatches We will set a clock, Practice for minutes Then- empty bar 0-2 Minutes...Read More
Warm Up 5 Minutes of bike. Meet at the board quick before you finish the rest of the warm up Review the SDHP and The push press, Finish warm up with empty bar 3 rounds 10 SDHP 10 Push Press Run 200M Strength 5 Sets of 6 push press.. yes that’s a lot. you will...Read More
All Weightlifting day Today Grab a bar for your warm up- 0-2 Minutes- 10 clean grip high pulls from the power position 2-4 Minutes 8 power position power cleans 4-6 Minutes 8 Hang position power cleans 6-7 minutes 8 hang position squat cleans 7-8 Minutes 8 Sqaut cleans from the shin. 8-9 minutes- 10 split...Read More
Happy Birthday Alison! Warm up- Session 15 of squats milk, you have 1 session left, with an option to do 2 more if you want to keep going 4o Air Squats with a 1 second pause at the bottome Start your warm up sets for squats and milk, 15 minutes to finish. If you are...Read More