Friday October 29th

1:00 OHS Hold w/ PVC
2 Rounds
3 Inchworms
10 Ground to Overhead w/ Plate
15 UB Wallballs

Every 2:00 for 16:00 (8 sets)
2 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches
Drop and Reset between reps Start around 60% and add weight if it looks and feels good.
Compare to Oct 4th.

Every :90 for 3:00 (2 sets)
10 DB Power Cleans
Max DB Shoulder to OH in remaining time

Rest 3:00

Every :90 for 3:00 (2 sets)
10 DB Shoulder to OH
Max DB Power Cleans in remaining time DBs:
50s/35s or less

Feel: Muscular Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 50+ total reps of “max rep” movement

Firebreather Score: 80+ total reps of “max rep” movement


  • DB Weight: athletes should be able to do the buy-in movement in 1 set, and have a minimum of :45 per round with the secondary DB movement.

Extra work.
Grab a bike and hit 15 minutes on it at a forever pace