Saturday October 2nd

Mile Time trial solo

10 to 15 minutes Full recovery then partner up for the next part..

Then with a partner Complete 4000m on a machine of your choice… with a twist. every time you switch its 4 burpee box steps up each.

9am solo or we will adjust for partner

AMRAP 5 Minutes
30 Double DB Box Step Overs
Max Rep Toes to Bar in remaining time

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 5 Minutes
30 Double DB Box Step Overs
Max Rep Toes to Bar in remaining time

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 4 Minutes
20 Double DB Box Step Overs
Max Rep Toes to Bar in remaining time

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 4 Minutes
4 Double DB Box Step Overs
8 Toes to Bar

Rx DBs: 50s/35s
Box: 24/20”
Score is total toes to bar in the first 3 AMRAPs + total repetitions in the final AMRAP.

Feel: Muscular Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 50+ Toes to bar, 3+ Rounds in AMRAP

Firebreather Score: 80+ Toes to bar, 5+ Rounds in AMRAP


  • Step Overs: Should be able to do 15 unbroken reps when fresh. Sets of 30 should not exceed 3 minutes of work to complete, with sets of 20 taking slightly less time.
  • Toes to Bar: Kipping or Strict Knee Raises. Modify to sit ups as a last resort (we want to try and keep the grip factor as well as the specific muscular overload of the legs and core).