20 Band Pull Aparts
Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
200m Run
7 R. Arm DB Thrusters
7 L. Arm DB Thrusters
10 Hollow Rocks Max Box Step Ups in remaining time
10 minutes of wod prep (building up thruster weight and practicing toes to bar)
Then Retest from Wednesday July 28th
“Field of Screams”
Conditioning Retest
“Field of Screams”
AMRAP 19 Minutes
19/17 Calorie Row
17 Thrusters 100/70lbs
15 Toes to Bar
AMRAP 19 Minutes
19/17 Calorie Row
17 Thrusters 70/50lbs
15 Knee Raises
- Row: Should not exceed :75 of work in any round. Machine mods: Ski 19/16 calories, AAB 15/12 Calories or, Run 300m
- Thruster: 1-3 sets the entire workout
- Toes to Bar: 1-3 sets the entire workout
Coach Focus: This combination of movements and reps is sure to feel extra gassy. Goal for every athlete before starting is to review their previous score and create a strategy to beat their previous score. For many athletes being a bit conservative on the front half will lead to a more successful re-test