Thursday October 1st

Warm up
2 rounds
200M run
10 Power position power cleans
10 At the knee
10 From the shin
10 Push jerks

Take a few minutes get weight onto the bar,
you can weight during the EMOM so start a little lighter. Try to finish heavy!
12 Minutes EMOM strength (4 sets at each movement)
0-4 Minutes 3 Power position power cleans
4-8 Minutes 2 hang power cleans
8-12 minute 1 clean and jerk from the floor

30/25 Cals
20 Hang Cleans 135/95lbs (no jerk)
30 Toes to Bar
Rest 3:00
30/25 Calories
15 power clean and jerks 135/95 (from the floor)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
30/25 Calories
10 Squat Clean And Jerks 135/95 (not a thruster, pause between the clean and jerk)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

Try to keep cals the same no matter how you are scaling. Scale the weightlifting movements by weight.
-Toes to bar sub is knee raises or sit ups
-Chest to bar sub is regular pull ups or banded or jumping pull up
-Muscle up sub go for 10 more pull ups and dips on a bench or dips on the rings.

Extra work for the day-

5 Rounds
50′ Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
Rest 2:00
Choose a DB weight between 20s and 60s based on your mobility. This is a skill session, so be less concerned with weight and more concerned with being in a good position.