Monday September 30th

Bring a friend week starts TODAY. Hey 5 am’ers….. first one to bring a friend in wins that 12 pack!

Warm Up:
“Bring Sally Up”
You Pick From: Air Squat, Strict Press, or Push Ups

14 Min AMRAP
15 Thrusters 95/65 INT-75/55 BEG-65/45
30 Double Unders INT/BEG40 Singles
15 C2B Pull Ups INT/BEG-Pull Up Progression

“Friend Option”
10 Minute Amrap
10 Air squats or db thrusters
20 Singles/ step ups
10 Ring rows

Partner finisher *** if you are bringing a friend, be nice, do 75 percent of this.
150/100 cal bike